UCSB CS/CE Undergrad Alumni and Student Profiles

About this website

This website is a volunteer effort (not an official UCSB department website) to provide a sample of:

  • what some graduates of the Computer Science (CS) and Computer Engineering (CE) undergrad programs at UCSB are doing now.
  • a few interesting things that current CS and CE are doing at UCSB beyond the standard curriculum, such as undergraduate research, internships, and leadership in student organizations.

The CCS Computing program at UCSB maintains a similar website here: http://ucsb-ccs-computing.github.io

How to contribute

This site is maintained in this github repo: https://github.com/ucsb-cs-ce-profiles/ucsb-cs-ce-profiles.github.io. Members of the CoE CS/CE alumni and undergrad student community are encourage to help keep the content up to date, either by (a) forking and doing pull requests (preferred), or (b) emailing content to the site webmasters.

Sample Alumni Profiles

thumbnail Andrew Berls Square San Francisco, CA
thumbnail Pete Cruz Caterpillar San Francisco, CA
thumbnail Chris Inderwiesche NavAir Ridgecrest, CA
thumbnail Mark Nguyen Apple Inc. San Jose, CA

Sample Student Profiles

thumbnail Jack Alexander 3
thumbnail Caitlin Scarberry 3

Publications with CoE CS/CE undergrad or BS/MS co-authors

Undergrad student co-authors are in bold. Publications should appear in this list only if the student's contribution to the publication was made as an undergrad. Work that started while the student was an undergrad and continued into the 5-year combined BS/MS program may be included, but not work done as a Ph.D. student or after graduating from UCSB.

Additional UCSB undergrad co-authors in Computer Science are listed at the UCSB CCS Computing profiles page.

  • Diana Franklin, Phillip Conrad, Bryce Boe, Katy Nilsen, Charlotte Hill, Michelle Len, Greg Dreschler, Gerardo Aldana, Paulo Almeida-Tanaka, Brynn Kiefer, Chelsea Laird, Felicia Lopez, Christine Pham, Jessica Suarez, and Robert Waite. 2013. Assessment of computer science learning in a scratch-based outreach program. In Proceeding of the 44th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education (SIGCSE '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 371-376. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2445196.2445304